Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Scott Baio is 46…and getting married and having a kid
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[ # ] Scott Baio is 46…and getting married and having a kid
August 27th, 2007 under Scott Baio, VH1/MTV

(photo from VH1 blog)
Scott Baio will be back on VH1 with a second season of his show, but this time he is no longer single and he is going to be a daddy according to The Hollywood Reporter. Can you believe it took him 30 years to get a girl pregnant? Boy did he get lucky this is first one he did…at least that he knows about! 
The show will be begin production in the fall, but when it will be back on VH1 is still up in the air. Hopefully Johnny V will not be part of the new season because he was way annoying and sad.

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