Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Scorpion is as much brilliant as it is thrilling!
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[ # ] Scorpion is as much brilliant as it is thrilling!
September 22nd, 2014 under CBS

Scorpion makes its brilliant debut on CBS tonight at 9p and you don’t want to miss my favorite new drama of the fall.
Walter O’Brien (Elyes Gabel) is a genius. When I say genius, I mean his IQ is higher than Albert Einstein’s is. When he was kid, he hacked into NASA and that put him on the government’s radar. They used his intelligence for something bad and ever since then he doesn’t trust them.
Today, he is working with three other geniuses but they are doing simple tasks below their brain power. Then one day a knock on their door will change everything.
Agent Cabe Gallo (Robert Patrick) is now the lead agent for the NSA and he needs Walter’s help again. Even after all of this time Walter hasn’t forgiven him, but Gallo offers his team more money than they are used to seeing so they accept his task.
On tonight’s episode, LAX updated their software and it was corrupt. Now communication is lost with all the planes landing in the LA area. All but 56 of them were rerouted, but the remaining ones are running out of gas and more importantly time. Unless Walter and his team can come up with a solution all those souls will be lost.
Walter’s team consists of Happy Quinn (Jadyn Wong), who is a mechanical wiz, and she can rewire anything and so much more. Sylvester Dodd (Ari Stidham), is a statistician that will blow your mind away with his use of numbers. Finally, there is Toby Curtis (Eddie Kaye Thomas) and he has the power to read anyone and knows what they will do. Since they are so smart, they have a hard time relating to people like you and me.
Paige Dineen (Katharine McPhee) is a waitress with a son, who is challenged. Walter, just did some work at her restaurant and now he is back with his team to save the 56 planes. She will help them come up with the solutions, when all help is lost because she is used to dealing with her son who is just like them. They will tell her that her son is a genius just like them, and they can help her understand him. She becomes their connection to the average people and they help her connect with her son.
But first she gets swept in their mission, and when I say swept up, I mean it. Gabel and McPhee take part in one of the best action sequences you will ever see on television. It is seriously genius and will have your heart pumping as fast as theirs.
If that is not a reason to watch, then the adrenaline rush you get from watching this brilliant show should be.
I fell in love with the show after the first time I saw it, and I loved it even more the second time around. It is smart, exciting and emotional all rolled into one. So what more do you need on a Monday night at 9p? Nothing, so watch it as every Monday they take on a new case since they are now working for the NSA.
Scorpion is based on Walter O’Brien and this show is inspired by his life and his high functioning brain. Really, if that doesn’t amaze you, then you will be missing out on this season’s most exciting new drama.


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