Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Say goodbye to AOL Instant Messenger
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[ # ] Say goodbye to AOL Instant Messenger
October 6th, 2017 under Cool Technology

AOL might be a thing of past, but AOL Instant Messenger survived all the mergers and changes throughout the last 20 years. But come December 15th, it will make like those AOL CDs we used to get in the mail and go away. The sad news was announced today, upsetting those of us, like me, who still use it.

I do not know about you, but I very sad to see AIM retire. It helped me keep in touch with my NYC and DC friends during 9/11. Heck, it also let me talk to friends all over the country for years. I am so heartbroken over this news, that each time I send an instant message, I am going to shed a tear. 🙁


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