Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ryan Philippe not Two-Face
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[ # ] Ryan Philippe not Two-Face
October 9th, 2006 under Batman

Ryan Philippe, star of the upcoming Flags of Our Fathers, told IGN that rumors of his playing Harvey Dent, a.k.a. Two-Face, in Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins sequel, Dark Knight, are not true. "Chris Nolan is great and I thought the first one was amazing," Philippe said during an interview for Flags. "But it is just a rumor at this point; I don’t know if they even have a script. But who knows at this point." Philippe also noted that he is amused by the preponderance of rumors surrounding his career, most of which are news to him. "It’s funny – I always wonder how things like that kind of start," Philippe said. "It’s interesting, [because] I’m working down in Austin right now shooting a movie and on the radio it will come on, ‘Ryan Philippe is playing this person.’ And I’m like, ‘Really? That’s the first I’ve heard.’"

Film Force 

I though it was confirmed he was doing the role, oh well?


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