Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams engaged?
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[ # ] Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams engaged?
December 11th, 2006 under Engaged?

As the world knows, Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, Notebook co-stars turned real-life lovebirds, have re-united as a couple. But wait, there’s more! An insider tells Life & Style the couple are finally re-engaged and back to making long-term plans together after a “touchy” reconciliation period, during which neither was sure of their decision. “Ryan didn’t have to repropose,” says the insider. “He and Rachel just agreed it was time to think about getting married again because they had worked out their problems. Ryan says he’s thrilled that Rachel is wearing her engagement ring again, which Ryan gave her early in 2005. It was always a secret engagement, and they will never confirm it publicly, but it’s back on, and they’re happy again, planning some family vacations together and doing the private-party rounds to support Ryan’s role in Half Nelson.” The insider says the lovebirds aren’t interested in a high-profile wedding and instead are planning a very small elopement. “Ryan says they’re looking for a good time to slip away and do it,” says the insider, “and he’s even said New Year’s might be the perfect time for him and Rachel to make things permanent. Starting a family and sharing their lives together is so much more important to them than which magazine they can sell their wedding pictures to.” They’re also planning on buying a big apartment or town house in Toronto, says the insider. Maybe to start a family? We sure hope so!

Life & Style Weekly (Thanks Becca)

Looks like 2007 is going to be a good year for Ryan because it is shaping up that he might get an Oscar nom too. 


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