Seriously? OMG! WTF? » RuPaul’s TMI!
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[ # ] RuPaul’s TMI!
August 27th, 2024 under RuPaul, TMI

RuPaul told us something he shouldn’t be telling us. What is it? He sits down when he tinkles. “I know it’s kind of strange. But you know why not have a little rest when you can,” he revealed.

But it didn’t stop there: “The only problem is when you sit down to tinkle, your body says, ‘Hey, listen, while you are down there, why don’t you…'” You know what he was talking about—killing two birds with one stone!

So, why did he share that TMI with us? He is promoting Chelsea Devantez’s book I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This (But I’m Going to Anyway), which is this month’s selection for RuPaul’s Book Club!

So what is something you shouldn’t tell but will tell me? You start!


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