Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Robert Pattinson is allergic to the vajayjay
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[ # ] Robert Pattinson is allergic to the vajayjay
February 13th, 2010 under Robert Pattinson, Twilight

Robert Pattinson did a photoshoot for Details and in the interview with the magazine he admitted a peculiar allergy he has.

“I really hate vaginas. I’m allergic to vagina. But I can’t say I had no idea, because it was a 12-hour shoot, so you kind of get the picture that these women are going to stay naked after, like, five or six hours. But I wasn’t exactly prepared. I had no idea what to say to these girls. Thank God I was hungover.”

I am sure Kristen Stewart is going to love reading this, but then again since she is dating him she probably already knows about his allergy.


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