Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Rivers Cuomo does his best Tiffany!
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[ # ] Rivers Cuomo does his best Tiffany!
May 19th, 2010 under Weezer

Rivers Cuomo is known for performing covers with his band Weezer and the lead singer Tweeted this video of him singing I Think We’re Alone Now. Now I know that the song was originally sung by Tommy James & the Shondells in 1967, but you know he was doing Tiffany’s version that came out 20 years later. Which ever version they were doing, I really hope they release it as single because I loved what they did to it. Who knows maybe Rivers Couomo and Weezer will do a mall tour just like Tiffany did when that song made her a household name? I would go to see them live at my local mall, wouldn’t you?


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