Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Rivers Cuomo made it in to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!
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[ # ] Rivers Cuomo made it in to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!
June 16th, 2023 under Weezer

Believe it or not, Weezer is not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. However, yesterday Rivers Cuomo made his way in.

Not as in inducted, but he visited the museum in Cleveland. And the singer, who sang Buddy Holly, got to hold Buddy Holly’s high school diploma.

Hopefully, someday he will hold his Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Award there.

I don’t know why I am saying hopefully because Weezer will be inducted at some point because they were one of the first Emo Rockers to break out on the scene and inspired so many musicians.

The Hall of Fame has admitted much lesser artists.

To see Cuomo’s Buddy Holly worlds collide, then


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