Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Riddle me why these actors were cast for the new Batman?
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[ # ] Riddle me why these actors were cast for the new Batman?
December 18th, 2008 under Batman

The Sun is reporting the new Batman movie is moving forward with a a bunch of familiar names being cast as names you wished weren't in movies. Eddie Murphy has been cast as the Riddler, Shia LaBeouf as Robin and Rachel Weisz as Catwoman. Please someone explain to me why Shia LaBeouf keeps getting hired, and this film isn't a Spielberg movie? They would be better with Zac Efron as Robin. When it comes to Eddie Murphy as Riddler, it is just wrong. This just went to my must not see list, unless these castings remain rumored.

UPDATE: According to Batman-On-Film Shia and Eddie are thankfully NOT part of Batman 3!!!
xoxo Dane for the update!


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