Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Rick Glassman went from Undateable to unkissable thanks to a bagel
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[ # ] Rick Glassman went from Undateable to unkissable thanks to a bagel
October 10th, 2015 under Bill Lawrence

Yesterday, Undateable began its all live season on NBC. Out of all of the things that they thought could go wrong, what did go wrong was something they never could’ve expected.
Rick Glassman was eating an innocent bagel when he accidentally chomped down on his tongue instead. Blood started pouring out, but after a quick trip to the hospital and some stitches the horror show was over.
Since the show must go on, not once but twice, he went on both times. No one was the wiser to his injury. In fact, even though he was high on pain killers, he wasn’t even the one who got tongue tied. Let’s see what happens next week, when he does the episode live, sober…
BTW when it comes to how he is doing, he Tweeted to me that he is feeling better. Let’s hope he continues the road to recovery. That and they ban bagels from craft services.


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