Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Retro: A hairy Guinness World Record
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[ # ] Retro: A hairy Guinness World Record
March 2nd, 2021 under Guinness World Records

There are so many crazy Guinness World Records that I don’t know why I still get surprised by some of them. For example, there was a barber who collected 167 pounds of hair via five years of haircuts and turned it into a hair ball. Even my cat never barfed up anything that gross. It is so gross, that it looks like the poo emoji.

Back to Henry Coffer, from Charleston, Missouri. Before he passed away in 2014, he sold his ball of hair to Ripley’s.

The 167 pounds of hair was just a fraction of what he collected over his 50 years of cutting hair. He said that he probably saved about 2,600 pounds of it and used it as fertilizer and for patching potholes.

Who knew that discarded hair had so many uses? The more you know. The more you wish you didn’t.


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