Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Rescue Me back on FX on June 12th!!!
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[ # ] Rescue Me back on FX on June 12th!!!
May 9th, 2007 under Uncategorized

(photo credit Michael Wong/FX)
Rescue Me will be heating up the summer on FX starting on June 12th! I just love love love this show. It is so raw, so real and believe it or not it is funny too, I am just so excited it is back soon. I have not read that much about the fourth season except that Jennifer Esposito is joining the cast and someone is being killed off. 
Just to give you a hint how much I love this show, I still have an episode from the first season my DVR. It is an episode where the men have a contest to see who has the largest pen!s. They go to great lengths (literally) to be the guy with the biggest d!ck and believe some of the stuff that they did still makes me LMAO just thinking about it. 

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