Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Remember Desi Arnaz, Jr.?
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[ # ] Remember Desi Arnaz, Jr.?
August 5th, 2024 under Remember?

Back in the ’60s and ’70s, Desi Arnaz, Jr. was everywhere. But then, he slowly started to disappear after he moved to Boulder City, Nevada, with his late second wife.

He is so rarely seen that people wondered if he was still alive.

This weekend, he joined his older sister, Lucie Arnaz, in Las Vegas, and she shared this sweet sibling love photo!

Then she explained, “Desi is alive and well, my friends- just likes to stay a bit ‘undercover.'”

I don’t know why the 71-year-old actor feels that way. I betcha without the beard; he is still as hot as he always was! Remember how cute he was when he surprised Marcia Brady on The Brady Bunch?


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