Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Randy Spelling clears up the rumors
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[ # ] Randy Spelling clears up the rumors
July 20th, 2006 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling

While the entertainment industry mourns the loss of TV titan Aaron Spelling, headlines around the world claim the Spelling clan is in the midst a mounting family feud. Aaron’s son, Randy Spelling, sat down exclusively with "Extra" to set the record straight and clear the air about stories swirling around the Spelling manor. "The day after if happened, I woke up, I couldn’t breathe, he’s not here," Randy said about his father’s death on June 23. "My family’s doing well; it’s been rough on everyone. In all honesty, I miss him a lot." But as the Spelling family remembers their beloved husband and father, they are also being sucked into the center of countless whispers that they’re at war. "There are misconceptions about so much feuding and stuff going on," Randy said. "C’mon guys it’s been a few weeks, we just want to be a normal family and get through this together." Despite the hardships of the loss of his father, Randy is keeping busy shooting a new reality show for A&E, debuting in January, called "Sons of Hollywood." Think real-life "Entourage," where actors Randy and his high-profile buds, including Rod Stewart’s son Sean, live out their showbiz lives in front of the camera. Randy said he’s doing the show to clear up misconceptions about him, such as he’s a "spoiled brat rich kid and everything has been handed to me on a silver platter with a silver spoon." Since his Dad’s passing, one of the nagging rumors is that one of the most opulent houses in America, the Spelling Manor, is on the market for $150 million. "I don’t know, you can’t believe everything you read," Randy said, insisting the house is not up for sale. Then there is the shocking question of his sister Tori, who is reportedly pregnant with new husband Dean McDermott’s child. "I haven’t heard that, it’s news to me," Randy said. "As far as I know, it’s not true."



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