Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ralph Macchio gets his Ugly Betty on!!!
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[ # ] Ralph Macchio gets his Ugly Betty on!!!
September 24th, 2008 under Ugly Betty

(photo from WireImage)
Ralph Macchio who has been spending the last few years behind the camera, will be going in front of the camera again on Ugly Betty the day before Halloween according to OK! Magazine!!! Ana Ortiz who will be working with him on the show had this to say about him.
“You look at him and it’s hard to recognize … you don’t see the boy anymore,” Ana admits.  “And he’s just a completely wonderful actor.”

“I loved him," she says, "but I did have a crush on Pony Boy in The Outsiders.”

Out of all the guest stars that Ugly Betty has had on the show, he is the one I am the most excited to see on the show! 
BTW Ugly Betty will be back for its third season tomorrow night at 8p!!!

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