Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Quantum Leap gets a visit from aliens tonight
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[ # ] Quantum Leap gets a visit from aliens tonight
October 18th, 2023 under Quantum Leap

Tonight at 8p on NBC’s Quantum Leap, Ben (Raymond Lee), the Time Traveler, gets a visit from aliens in 1949. That is because he is a government agent for Project Sign, the project that investigates aliens.

Ben is called out to investigate a single-car crash in Washington where one girl survived, and her friend is in a coma. Carrie (Alison Thornton) tells her grandfather, the sheriff (Louis Herthum), that she saw a light and a strange object in the sky. She swerved to avoid hitting it, and she crashed into a tree. The two girls got out to run from whatever it was, and that was the last thing that Carrie remembered before waking up in the hospital.

Carrie is being accused of attempted murder by her friend’s father, who owns most of the land in the town and beyond. He wants Carrie arrested, and now it is going to be a modern Western with the rich guy and the sheriff.

Ben is going to have to find out what happened to Carrie that night and if aliens really were involved. All while talking to Addison (Caitlin Bassett) and finding out what she has been up to the last three years when he was missing in time.

I loved this episode because it felt like a homage to the original Quantum Leap with Scott Bakula. Ben has a lot more interaction with the people of that time, and there are a lot of Easter Eggs in the episode. What they are, I cannot tell you. But you will enjoy them.

Just like you will enjoy this episode. Seriously, you should be watching this show because it has something for everyone. This week, aliens. Next week, who knows? But you know that Ben will have an adventure that is one for the era!


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