Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Prospect Park saves All My Children and One Life to Live!!!
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[ # ] Prospect Park saves All My Children and One Life to Live!!!
July 7th, 2011 under TV Soaps

Soap watchers have been devastated since ABC cancelled both All My Children and One Life to Live on the same day. Well today became a day for us to rejoice because Prospect Park has stepped in to save the shows.
Here is what the ABC press release said about the excellent news about the multi-year pickup, “Prospect Park will produce and deliver the two long-running programs to consumers via online formats and additional emerging platforms including internet enabled television sets. Under the terms of the arrangement, the programs will continue to be delivered with the same quality and in the same format and length.”
Even though we cannot watch them on TV anymore, we will still be able to watch them and that is all that matters.
Thank you Prospect Park for saving the day! Take that Oprah Winfrey, soaps are not dead.


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