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[ # ] Proof Matt Lauer truly is an Ice King?
July 15th, 2014 under ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, TV News

Today on Today Matt Lauer took the ice bucket challenge that was given to him by golfer Greg Norman, which basically is him having a bucket of ice poured on his head. While most people would react to the challenge by falling to the ground shivering like a scared baby bear, he stood there as though nothing happened when it was over. So does this prove that is heart is made out of ice like we’ve been suspecting, and that is why he didn’t react? Or maybe it was just him trying to show how cool he really is? What do you think? While the video shows us one story, the below pictures kind of show another.
Now when it comes to the challenge, Greg Norman told him, his options were to accept the challenge and ask three other friends to do it also or donate $100 to charity. Not only did he have the ice ice baby rain down on him, he also donated the money to Hospice of Palm Beach County. So who are his three “friends” that he dared to take on the challenge? They are Howard Stern, Martha Stewart and Brian Williams. I think the only one who will suffer the same fate as him will be Brian Williams. Who else do you think will pretend that they are the winning coach at the Super Bowl just like the news anchor?


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