Seriously? OMG! WTF? » President Joe Biden’s reaction to MTG’s attire was the best part of the State of the Union
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[ # ] President Joe Biden’s reaction to MTG’s attire was the best part of the State of the Union
March 8th, 2024 under Politics

I don’t care who the President of the United States is; the State of the Union is boring.

However, yesterday’s was interesting before it started. That is because MAGidiot MTG wore her Gd’s red MAGA hat, a red blazer with buttons, and a shirt saying, “Say her name,” which was referring to the recently murdered Laken Riley.

Basically, MTG looked more like an ignoramus than she usually does. So as soon as President Joe Biden saw her, he did a shocked double-take that got everyone laughing, even the Neaderthal!

And that is why Dark Brandon rules!


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