Seriously? OMG! WTF? » President Evil Donald Trump gets a horror movie
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[ # ] President Evil Donald Trump gets a horror movie
November 14th, 2018 under Donald Trump

To a majority of Americans, having Donald Trump in the White House is like living in a horror movie. Therefore, it would make sense that someone would turn his presidency into a horror movie. Giant Meteor Films did just that with President Evil.

Pepe is a kid, whose parent were taken away by ICE. Now the women and man he loves will be taken away by a serial killer who dresses like Donald Trump.

Back when little Donnie was a kid, he killed his mom and the man she was having an affair with. Since he was so young, he has been institutionalized ever since. That is until now because he escaped and is on a killing path. He is killing Haitians, Mexicans, Transgenders and Muslim. He is indestructible. Can anything stop him?

It is something you have to see to believe. I have seen the movie that is available on Amazon Prime now and even I don’t believe it. Words cannot describe it, but it is brilliant. As in they make so many Trump references that that part scarier than the killer plotline. Let’s be honest, most of us have had nightmares about him. It is just shocking it took someone two years to make our nightmares become a reality.

As you prep the turkey for next week, you might also want to prep for the political family debate by watching this film. Whether you all feel the same way or not about him, you will all get a laugh describing this yuge film.

Did I mention there is a music video for it? It is a must watch. To see it, then


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