Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Pirates 2 is not walking the box office plank
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[ # ] Pirates 2 is not walking the box office plank
July 7th, 2006 under Johnny Depp

I’m told already that, based on today’s matinees, Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest will have the biggest opening of any movie in history. Since May 24th, I’ve been predicting that it was gonna kill everything at the theaters this summer, and then, based on the early tracking, that it was going to be the all-time record-breaker. Now Pirates 2 is set to steal away Spiderman’s No. 1 opening gross of $114.8 million. (Sorry, HBO, but Entourage’s Aquaman didn’t actually beat Spidey because that’s a FAKE movie.) That ka-ching, ka-ching sound you’re hearing in Beverly Hills is United Talent Agency’s Tracey Jacobs calculating her end-of-year bonus now that her longtime client Johnny Depp could rightly be considered America’s most popular actor. You go, girl! Meanwhile, I’m just sitting back and appreciating Pirates 2’s gargantuan box office haul. I’m told the movie could take in $45+ million more today if the shows from last night are included in the total. Right now, matinees are headed that way. Meanwhile, I’m told Warner Bros.’ Superman Returns will take a big hit (again as I predicted), down at least 50% to $25 million or so. Think about it: in one sector of Burbank, Disney’s celebrating while in another part of Burbank, Warner’s in mourning. Dontcha just love Hollywood?

Deadline Hollywood Daily


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