Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Piers Morgan has COVID, but the show must go on
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[ # ] Piers Morgan has COVID, but the show must go on
December 5th, 2023 under Coronavirus, Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan tested positive for COVID-19 this afternoon after taking two other tests that came back negative. So he debated whether he should go into work to host Piers Morgan Uncensored and risk getting everyone sick. Or stay at home and host his show from there.

He ultimately decided to do it from home with the help of two co-workers who recently beat COVID.

With less than four hours to make it happen, they somehow worked a miracle.

However, Morgan was missing one key person from the crew, and that person was the makeup artist. Because he looks shit. And I am not sure it was all COVID’s fault.


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