Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Perez Hilton = Pinocchio
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[ # ] Perez Hilton = Pinocchio
June 22nd, 2006 under Uncategorized

Lavandeira says what sets him apart from other bloggers — besides wanting to be called an “online entertainer” — are his stellar sources and his ethics. “I get stories because people know that I will never lie, or make things up, or pay for information. I apply a journalistic standard to my work.” Lavandeira’s scoops usually pan out, but whether “journalistic standards” encompasses drawing dots of coke under the noses of celebrities is debatable. Twice in our conversation he insists, “I don’t hate anybody. And I don’t like drama!” Yet particular celebrities seem to consistently earn his disdain — among them, monomaniacal View host Star “Starzilla” Jones and kept man Kevin “K-Fag” Federline. Still, even though the blog’s tagline is “Hollywood’s most hated website,” it’s rarely malicious. Indeed, what Perez taketh away, he also giveth: he may mock Janet Jackson’s weight gain, and then months later rave about her newly sculpted abs.


Seriously, he never lies? Make things up? Journalistic standards? OMG! WTF?ever


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