Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Paul Newman and Robert Reford together again!
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[ # ] Paul Newman and Robert Reford together again!
November 7th, 2006 under Whatever happened to...

It is more than 20 years since their partnership last lit up the screen – but for film fans of a certain age there’s still something magical about a rare Paul Newman (Butch Cassidy) and Robert Redford (The Kid) reunion. The occasion was the 25th anniversary of Robert Redford’s Sundance Institute, founded by the star when he was at the height of his fame to encourage independent film makers. Asked what had brought him out for a rare public appearance Newman, 81, wearing a sweatshirt on which he appeared to have written I Never Had A Crappy Gig Until Tonight, answered with one word: "Redford."
Redford keeps getting better with age! 

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