Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Paul McCartney’s dollar amount to get rid of Heather Mills?
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[ # ] Paul McCartney’s dollar amount to get rid of Heather Mills?
August 14th, 2006 under Paul McCartney/Heather Mills

HOW MUCH is it worth to Paul McCartney to be rid of Heather Mills?About $95 million (as of yesterday’s currency exchange rates).That’s what a fed-up McCartney told aides last week, according to Britain’s News of the World."If it was up to Paul he’d settle this matter now," said an insider. "If Heather turned around and said, ‘I’d accept 50 million pounds and go away quietly’ then Paul would go, ‘Yeah, I’ll write the check out now to get it all over and done with.’"This divorce has now turned into World War III and it’s hit Paul really hard. He really doesn’t want the hassle of a court battle."What about Heather?"Heather has a lot to lose if they do fight it out in public," said the double-agent source. "But with a nice big settlement and an amicable split she can afford to say to the public, ‘I don’t care what you think!’ "So will the woman Paul branded a "golddigger" take the money and run?News of the World sources say it’s unlikely as she wants more – as much as 200 million pounds (or close to $400 million). If accurate, that would make Paul right.

Howard Gensler 

Just remember she said she would give most of the money to charity, so is this enough for her?


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