Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Paris Hilton transfered back to the Lynwood jail
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[ # ] Paris Hilton transfered back to the Lynwood jail
June 14th, 2007 under Paris Hilton

According to TMZ Paris Hilton was transfered from the Twin Centers Medical Facility last night back to the jail in Lynwood late last night. Officials felt she was stable on her new meds, so they transfered back to the original facility she went to, but for the time being she is serving her time in the medical ward there. Once she stable there she will be brought back to her original cell where she was having panic attacks. Now a source is telling TMZ, "To describe Paris as emotionally upset would be an understatement." They added they were not sure if she will remain at Lynwood with the way she is reacting to the transfer. 
I have to admit I feel bad for Paris with the ping pong game they have been playing with her because I am sure it really it is messing with her mentality. We might not like Paris, but with everything going on with her it is actually becoming borderline cruel.  

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