Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Paris Hilton sentenced to 45 days
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[ # ] Paris Hilton sentenced to 45 days
May 4th, 2007 under Paris Hilton

(photos from AP
A Los Angeles Judge sentenced Paris Hilton to 45 days in jail for probation violation for driving with a suspended license according to KABC. Paris needs to surrender herself on or before June 5th or she will do 90 days.
Paris told the Judge that her handlers told her license was only suspended for 30 days and not 4 months and thought it was ok for her to drive again. The Judge did not like her blaming her handlers and wanted her to take responsibility for her own actions. Also Paris was pulled over twice with a suspended license once in January and one in February. When she was pulled over in January she signed a piece of paper saying that she acknowledged she was driving with a suspended license and would not drive again until her license was no longer suspended. She told the Judge she did not know what she signed, she is used to just signing things. He did not buy that either. Also Paris showed up to hearing 17 minutes late which I started things off badly. 
The reporter said when Paris heard the new she was in a state of disbelief and was almost at tears. Her lawyers also looked to be in disbelief.
You know she must be so nervous now that she will actually be doing time. And I am sure good buddy Nicole Richie is also nervous that now she too might go to jail too. I mean if Paris Hilton can go to jail, anyone can? 
UPDATE: According to TMZ she will be doing her time at Century Regional Detention Facility. (see picture below)

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