Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Paris Hilton is a musical failure
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[ # ] Paris Hilton is a musical failure
August 29th, 2006 under Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton’s self-titled debut CD ‘Paris’ is not exactly performing very well. It’s supposedly at the bottom of the Billboard chart but since I am not a subscriber all I can tell you is her ‘Star’s Are Blind’ single is sitting at #49 on the ‘Hot 100′ and the album isn’t even listed in the Top 100. Bravo to you the American consumer, bravo. Corporations, movie stars, and socialite’s think we will buy anything but it looks like we draw the line at our ears bleeding. Now if we could all band together and do something about those pesky Scientologist’s.

Splash News (Thanks Becca)

I am shocked, I thought she was going to be number one. Oh well, I guess we are all so over Paris. 


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