Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Paris Hilton dumps Elliot Mintz?
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[ # ] Paris Hilton dumps Elliot Mintz?
May 6th, 2007 under Paris Hilton

(photo from NY Times
Paris Hilton has fired her publicist Elliot Mintz after she was sentenced to 45 days in jail according to In Touch Weekly. Paris told the Judge that Mintz told her her license was only suspended for 30 days and not 4 months, and that is why she was driving with a suspended license. The Judge didn't buy it and sentenced her to 45 days in jail and she turned around and fired her publicist for the bad information. Although I can understand she needed a scapegoat, now is not the time she should be without a publicist. 
In Touch Weekly also says that Paris plans on appealing the Judge's ruling. 

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