Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Paris Hilton a lipsyncer?
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[ # ] Paris Hilton a lipsyncer?
August 21st, 2006 under Paris Hilton

Ashlee Simpson has LOST her title as Hollywood’s lip -synch queen to Paris Hilton. Paris hosted a record launch party Friday at Privilege and she amazed her audience by having the colossal nerve to mouth the words to her music! The only real words out of her mouth made up her opening comment "You’re all bitches!" She lip synched half a dozen songs from her album and the crowd grew increasingly restless. Many were mocking her behind her back. Her album got decent reviews, but insiders say there will never be a tour or personal appearances – Paris’s voice is too wispy and requires monumental enhancement.

Janet Charlton 

I do not believe it. Who I am kidding I so believe it!


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