Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ouch! The thing Mick Jagger did to increase the size of his peepee…
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[ # ] Ouch! The thing Mick Jagger did to increase the size of his peepee…
May 22nd, 2007 under Rolling Stones

(WARNING: This story not for the faint of heart or men)
This story has a sting to it… Mick Jagger went through great lengths to increase the size of his penis after a former girlfriend criticized the size of it according to AZ Central. Janice Dickinson told an interviewer, "Mick has a very small penis." Well Mick for obvious reason was embarrassed and decided to make a change to what Janice said. According to Julien Temple this is what he did, "It involved putting bamboo over the male member and filling it with stinger bees so the member attained the size of the bamboo. Mick spent months in the jungle in Peru. He was going mad out there I think." Yes you read that right he got a bunch of bees to sting his penis in the hopes it would swell the size. I am female and even I feel the pain of that. Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch!
And just a side note, maybe he isn't that small it is Janice Dickinson's perception of what a normal man's penis size should be, if you know what I mean…

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