Seriously? OMG! WTF? » One big Britney Spears post because she is a blog all by herself!
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[ # ] One big Britney Spears post because she is a blog all by herself!
October 30th, 2007 under Britney Spears

First off is that Halloween outfit or is that Britney Spear’s normal attire. If it is her normal attire it is better than what she normally wears. How sad is that? Oh wait it is Britney!


Next, her record label posted this on a bulletin MySpace. Who said Blackout is Britney Spears’ best album? I haven’t seen anywhere have you? That explains why there was no link to check it out.

Britney Spears’ MySpace

Here is some video of Britney dissing her fans at a midnight launch gathering at Vurgung Megastore. Did you see Chris Crocker was on her line? Maybe that is why she ran. Then she went out to a club at 2a and the police stopped her “cousin” for speeding. ha ha! Why couldn’t be her.

Finally according to AP Britney will get two monitored visits with her boys a week.

The nine-page ruling said Spears could have overnight visits with her kids — something she had been seeking. She will get two visits a week from noon to 7 p.m. and one from noon to 10 a.m. the next morning. All the visits will be monitored.

The order also cited some details of an Oct. 19 report submitted by parenting coach Lisa Hacker about her observations of Spears with Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1.

The report makes it clear that Hacker feels Spears “loves her children and the children are bonded” to her, the ruling states.

However, Hacker was concerned that Spears didn’t seem to have “child-centered” interactions, according to the ruling.

The “environment at the house ranged from chaotic to almost somber with little communication at all,” Hacker reported, according to the ruling.

During all three of her visits, Spears “rarely engaged with the children in either conversation or play,” Hacker said in her report.

Hacker also reported that Spears seemed to have a “lack of general attention at times” but added there was nothing she “would characterize as abusive in a traditional sense.”

Hacker added that during an additional visit Oct. 23, Spears seemed “much more engaged with (Hacker) and the children,” the ruling stated.

Let’s see how long this will last before the Judge changes it agaun.


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