Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Once again, Jimmy Kimmel got parents to eat their kids Halloween candy
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[ # ] Once again, Jimmy Kimmel got parents to eat their kids Halloween candy
November 3rd, 2017 under Jimmy Kimmel

It has become an annual tradition, every year Jimmy Kimmel gets parents to tell their kids that they ate their Halloween candy overnight and film the youngsters’ reactions as share the sad news with them. Some kids were OK with, some cried, one used the finger, another said that phrase and one (my favorite) punched his dad in the body part that made him. I guess that kid was mad his dad ate the Hershey’s bar with the nuts, so he punched his dad in the nuts!

Even though I feel bad for the little trick or treaters, I look forward to Hey Jimmy Kimmel, I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy. Don’t you?


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