Seriously? OMG! WTF? » On Election Night NBC gets Tom Brokaw and The Daily Show gets Dan Rather
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[ # ] On Election Night NBC gets Tom Brokaw and The Daily Show gets Dan Rather
November 5th, 2006 under Comedy Central, TV News

So, where will Dan Rather, for so many years a phrase-turning staple on CBS’ election-night coverage, going to be this Nov. 7. On the show where a lot of people are getting their news and views these days: Comedy Central’s Daily Show. According to the show, Rather, now a "global correspondent" for Mark Cuban’s HDNet, will be a guest on Jon Stewart’s show. The Daily Show has won Emmy and Peabody awards for its "Indecision 2000" and "Indecision 2004" coverage of the presidential races, and has been training the same satiric eye on the November elections with its "Midterm Midtactular."

Broadcasting & Cable 

I bet you The Daily Show will clober CBS in the ratings that night! Take that Katie Couric!!!


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