Seriously? OMG! WTF? » OMG Suri Cruise has a real life living friend!!!
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[ # ] OMG Suri Cruise has a real life living friend!!!
November 13th, 2008 under Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri

(photos from Splash News Online)
Suri Cruise has a real life living friend and her name is Ella Stiller according to OK! Magazine. Christine Taylor, wife of Ben Stiller, opened up about how her 6 year old daughter plays with 2 year old Suri Cruise.

"We've had a couple of play dates, and they're just like any other play dates," said Christine at a ceremony in New York held by the Museum of the Moving Image to honor Ben.

"[Suri's] amazing, [Tom and Katie Holmes] are terrific. When little kids get together you just let them do their thing and there's no outside elements, you know what I mean."

And Ella loves being the older sister.

"It's always just a great thing to see your kids connecting and you see the different stages. Ella used to always be the one looking up to the older girls and now she's kind of taken on that kind of big girl role."

I am so happy that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes actually let their little girl play with someone close to her own age! The poor girl desperately needs friends.


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