Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Omarosa gives us an image of Donald Trump we did not need
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[ # ] Omarosa gives us an image of Donald Trump we did not need
March 28th, 2018 under Donald Trump

Ever since Omarosa left the White House, she has not stopped talking about the man that fired her 4 times. Now she is talking to the AP and confirming something we expected, but did not want to know.

She told the AP about his early morning Tweets, “He’s up in his underwear or something at 4 in the morning. Who’s going to monitor that?” Then she adds, “Remember, the bad tweets happen between 4 and 6 in the morning. Ain’t nobody up there but Melania” She also says that yuge diamond ring on the First Lady’s finger is why she thinks she does not say about the man she married.

Now back to that Donald Trump image, you cannot blame his staff for not wanting to go in and see that. I am surprised all the women who have been claiming they have willing seen it. I just picture a huge pinkish Jabba the Hut with a phone in his hand. So grossed out.


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