Maybe the Mayans were on to something because the
National Pig Association expects there to be a bacon shortage in 2013. Due to drought like conditions around the world, the cost to feed pigs has become so high that farmers are opting to slaughter them now instead of keeping them alive for a few months and sell their meat for money then. Because of that the National Pig Association is predicting a worldwide shortage of pork related products next year.
So start stocking up now because everything that you enjoy with bacon and ham might not be around as much in a few months. We will have to learn to enjoy Turkey and Tofu bacon instead and we all know that it is just not the same thing.
Somewhere Miss Piggy, Porky Pig, Babe and Wilbur are all hiding out and praying that no one finds them and turns them into breakfast. Because desperate times, call for desperate measures and we will eat any pig we can get our hands on including Kevin Bacon.