Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Oh no! Planters killed off Mr. Peanut
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[ # ] Oh no! Planters killed off Mr. Peanut
January 22nd, 2020 under Junk Food

The Super Bowl is supposed to be a happy occasion, but this year it will be a sad one. That is because there will be a funeral for Mr. Peanut during the third quarter.

Planters broke the news on social media. They wrote, “It is with heavy hearts that we confirm that Mr. Peanut has died at 104. In the ultimate selfless act, he sacrificed himself to save his friends when they needed him most. Please pay your respects with #RIPeanut.” He died so that Wesley Snipe and Matt Walsh did not have to.

No word who will replace him. It is too soon. However, it is not too soon for his friends to remember him. Mr. Clean was swept up with emotion and wrote, “Always classy, always crunchy, always cleaned up nicely. We’ll miss him! #RIPeanut” While Oreo tried to milk it up and asked their fans to “Help us give a 21 dunk salute to our nutty and sweet friend #RIPeanut”

Out of all of the mascots, why did it have to be him? Why couldn’t it have been the creepy Burger King?


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