Seriously? OMG! WTF? » NYC is cracking down on subway pole dancers
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[ # ] NYC is cracking down on subway pole dancers
July 1st, 2014 under Uncategorized

For some reason NYC doesn’t want people riding the subway to use their poles to entertain the other passengers, so they are arresting any one who does according WNYW. Why? I have no idea because who are they hurting? I would rather watch someone pole dance, then watch a guy dance with his pole. Wouldn’t you? And it is not like these pole dancers work on 42nd Street, if you know what I mean.
So please, explain to me what is wrong with having some fun on the subway? Remember, when no one wanted to ride on one. Now, they have something to pass the time as they get to their destination. So I say let them dance. Who’s with me?


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