Seriously? OMG! WTF? » NYC 22 is arresting
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[ # ] NYC 22 is arresting
April 15th, 2012 under CBS

Tonight at 10p NYC 22 debuts on CBS and you are going to want to get caught up with this arresting show.
NYC 22 follows six rookie police officers with different backgrounds working as beat cops in Harlem and they are going to mess up big time. Adam Goldberg plays Lazarus a reporter who lost his job and decides to become a cop a little later on in his life. Stark Sands is Kenny McLaren, a legacy in the NYC police force. Leelee Sobieski stars as Jennifer Perry, a pretty but tough cop. Judy Marte as Tonya Sanchez is a woman who watched her family get arrested by cops when she was a teen. Harold House Moore plays Jackpot, when he was growing up he hung out with the people he is now arresting, but he chose to do good with his life. Finally Tom Reed plays Ahmad Khan who immigrated from Afghanistan and decided to work as an in officer in NYC.
Each week they will walk the streets and try to fight crime as best as they can. These are real life scenarios that play out on the show and they are exhilarating to watch. I have to admit the show starts off slow during the first few two episodes, but it really starts to pick up in the third so did give up on it just yet.
Before NYC 22 begins its rookie season, Matthew Perry is back as Mike Kresteva on The Good Wife at 9p and he is so very good at being bad. Kresteva visits Alicia Florrick to tell her the results of their Blue Ribbon Hearing together, but he had an ulterior motive. He is running for governor and he claims that Alicia invited him to her office to get immunity for her husband. She never did, but he is so sleek there is nothing she can do. Will this stop her husband from running for the state’s top position? You will have to tune in to find out because at the end of the episode Peter Florrick makes his decision on whether or not he will run.


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