Have you ever pondered what the
Hamburger Helper looks like under his white glove? Nope. While you and I haven’t, @
soongrowtired did and even drew some pictures of what he was thinking. One with a head in the palm and the other with a full skeleton in the mid section.
Somehow, Hamburger Helper heard about his plight to unglove the oversized hand and replied back to the curious fan with, “I cannot be defined by your so-called human standards.” Then two hours later, they revealed the answer to one of the great mysteries of our time that we did not know we needed the answer to.
To see what is under glove, then

Some things are better left to the unknown. That image scared me more than Pennywise in either It movie. Seriously, how creepy is that? I am going Vegan after that because I don’t know what the secret ingredients are in Hamburger Helper that make it taste so good, and now I am terrified to find out. It is up there if we ever found out what is really in a hot dog or bologna. Some thing are better left unsaid and these are just a few examples.
What do think of 4-armed skeleton? And who is going as this version of the Hamburger Helper for Halloween? It is a totally hot costume, right?