Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Now they are destroying Weekend at Bernie’s
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[ # ] Now they are destroying Weekend at Bernie’s
January 26th, 2010 under Andrew McCarthy, Stupid Sequels/Remakes

Talk about a remake that should be dead like the lead character in the movie and that film is Weekend at Bernie’s. Moviehole is reporting that Gladden Entertainment is redoing the Andrew McCarthy/Jonathan Silverman flick, but instead of at a beach they will do it at a ski lodge. Because we all know dead bodies smell better in the cold as compared to the hot summer sun. Seriously why? Weekend a Bernie’s is a cult classic that is fine the way it is and it doesn’t need to be put on ice with a crappy remake.
BTW Gladden Entertainment is also working on remaking another one of Andrew McCarthy’s film’s Mannequin. I don’t know what their obsession with him is, but why do we have to suffer for it. Actually it is kind of scary how obsessed they are with Andrew McCarthy movies, they better not f*ck with Pretty in Pink because there will be nothing pretty about that.


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