Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Now Katherine Heigl thinks she is Emmy worthy
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[ # ] Now Katherine Heigl thinks she is Emmy worthy
May 17th, 2009 under Katherine Heigl

Katherine Heigl is once again putting herself up for Emmy contention according to EW's Michael Ausiello. I guess she feels the writers finally wrote something worthy for her ego. Personally I thought she could have done a better job with what she was given, Justin Chambers certainly did. If anyone should get the nom, it should be him. Granted I just don't like Katherine Heigl, so what she did might be Emmy worthy, I just can't see it. Wouldn't it be great Karma if the Emmy voters don't nominate her, but they will.
BTW who else thinks she will be back next season while TR Knight won't be. They have to kill one of them off because otherwise, I think, we the viewers will feel ripped-off. 

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