Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Not only does Thomas Jane play a prostitute on TV, he was one
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[ # ] Not only does Thomas Jane play a prostitute on TV, he was one
October 3rd, 2011 under HBO Max

Thomas Jane was doing an interview with The LA Times and his answer to a question gave a reveal about his life that I am sure no one saw cumming, I mean coming. The star of Hung who plays a male prostitute with a huge pen!s was asked why the “gay media” has been giving him grief and the interviewer gave him chance to respond to why he thinks that is the case. He explained, “Hey, you grow up as an artist in a big city, as James Dean said, you’re going to have one arm tied behind your back if you don’t accept people’s sexual flavors. You know, when I was a kid out here in L.A., I was homeless, I didn’t have any money and I was living in my car. I was 18. I wasn’t averse to going down to Santa Monica Boulevard and letting a guy buy me a sandwich. Know what I mean?”
He then went on to talk about his sexuality and the interview concluded with him answering if he thinks homo/heterosexuality is a choice by saying “I don’t know. I think up to a point it’s a choice. But I’ll tell you what — it’s not a choice until you’re open enough to experience both male and female sexuality. Until you’ve tasted the food, you don’t know whether you’ll like it or not, as my mom always said.” I don’t think it has ever been put quite like that and I am not sure it ever will again.


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