Seriously? OMG! WTF? » No one told this contestant how to play Family Feud!
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[ # ] No one told this contestant how to play Family Feud!
July 21st, 2015 under Steve Harvey

Family Feud is a simple game, there is not much to it. Steve Harvey asks you question and you answer it. The only time it gets tricky is when you face off with your opponent to try to get the top answer on the board. Here’s why it might be a little confusing. After Harvey asks you the question and you know the answer, then you have to hit the buzzer so he knows you know it. Well when Mike was up there and Steve did his job, the contestant didn’t do his. He didn’t hit the buzzer, he just hit the table. As soon as Harvey realized what happened, he couldn’t control his laughter. Then the opponent Kiki realized what happened. She said, “He didn’t hit it, did he?” Then she told Mike, “You got to hit the buzzer,” as she pointed to it. At this point everyone is hysterical, but poor Mike who made an innocent mistake. He just made it in front of the wrong person.
Seriously, Steve Harvey is the best game show host ever! No one can hold a candle to him.


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