Seriously? OMG! WTF? » NKOTB’s Joey McIntyre like you’ve never heard him before
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[ # ] NKOTB’s Joey McIntyre like you’ve never heard him before
September 14th, 2009 under NKOTB

New Kids on the Block Joey McIntyre did a Mad Men parody and I can’t believe all the 4 letter words coming out of his mouth. Even though he is older than me, I still see him as that little kid in New Kids and to hear him say f*ck, t!ts and date rape that a$$$ just seems so wrong to me. And then to see him drink a beer on top of it, I don’t know if the NKOTB fan in me can handle it? But then there is another part of me slightly turned on hearing him say those Tough words. I know he is a father of 1 and 3/4 kids, but he just seems so innocent with that baby face of his. Now if Donnie Walhberg did that spoof it wouldn’t seem as odd to me, but it is Joey and he is Joey.
So do you think he has the Right Stuff in that video?


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