Seriously? OMG! WTF? » NBC super-sizes no more
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[ # ] NBC super-sizes no more
May 29th, 2007 under NBC

On the day that NBC announced that they are reworking their management team getting rid of Kevin Reilly they also announced they were getting rid of the super-sized comedies according to TV Week. Vince Manze, NBC's president of program planning, scheduling and strategy said, "It was a good idea when we started it. It was very novel. But it's just not a good idea to have shows starting at 9:23 p.m. I don't think anyone here thinks, at this point, super-sizing often is good for the shows. We're going to do our best to not have to do it next year." He added, "We're not only fooling people, we're fooling TiVos by being so far off on the times."
Manze explained how super-sizing came about, "If you try shows and they are not working, why not just extend the shows that are working? Since we couldn't afford two full episodes, this was a compromise that also gave us a great marketing hook." Super-sizing worked better when shows like Friends and Frasier were still on the network and helping make the network number one, but when they are barely placing third on Thursday nights, it doesn't seem to work anymore. I am happy they did away with super-sizing because I never thought it was a good idea in the first place

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