Seriously? OMG! WTF? » NBC hires The Night Shift for a second shift!
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[ # ] NBC hires The Night Shift for a second shift!
July 1st, 2014 under NBC

NBC announced today that The Night Shift will be back for a second season according to The Hollywood Reporter. The medical drama has been doing well for the network and I think they made a wise decision by bringing it back for another season. Now, if only they would also pick up Undateable, all would be right for NBC’s summer.
I sincerely love that summer TV is now full of original programming and some of it, like TNS, is better than some of the stuff we see in the fall.
If you’ve never seen the show, make sure to check it tonight at 10p. Tonight’s episode is very powerful one as several soldiers come into the hospital with injuries. One doctor will fight to save a soldier’s leg and another doctor will fight to keep their secret a secret. Something that will prove very hard to do.


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