Seriously? OMG! WTF? » NBC has Mercy on three shows
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[ # ] NBC has Mercy on three shows
October 23rd, 2009 under NBC

NBC has picked up three of their shows, Parks and Recreation, Community and Mercy for a full season. Yay, NBC is sticking with 3 of their 4 scripted programs which is great for us and them, since they gave 5 hours to Jay Leno. They need more scripted programming, not less.
So with the NBC sticking with these three shows, I wonder if that means Chuck will return to Mondays after Trauma (I assume) ends its 13 episode run and Parenthood will air on Fridays? Unless Parenthood will replace Heroes when it ends it shortened run and they will pair it with Chuck?
When it comes to the shows that were picked up, I really like Parks and Recreation because I think Aziz Ansari is funny as all heck. And as much as I wanted to hate Mercy because I can’t stand Michelle Trachtenberg, I actually like it. What do you think of NBC’s new shows?


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